Luxury Door Hardware Installation Service
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The Tidy Tradie - Lock Carpenter is a specialist door hardware installer in Sydney. Tony's installation service is the best in town. Check out the videos and photos of his work. Luxurious locks, handles and architectural fittings all installed by Tony. There are no bought or copied photos on this website. Tony is the original Lock Carpenter. Enjoy the videos and please follow and support on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and Linkedin.
privacy lock, magnetic lock, M&T, Howto & Style, agb
door pivot, pocket door, door, sydney, concealed hinges, cavity slider, lockcarpenter, pivot mechanism, carpenter, door closer, invisible hinges, doorhardware, door hardware, pivot door, door installation, pivot, sliding door, hinges, argenta pivotica, Halliday Baillie, carpentry

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The Argenta Pivotica - pivot door system, installed by The Tidy Tradie - Lockcarpenter in Sydney.

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I've been installing a lot of these pivot doors lately, with the Argenta Pivotica 100 system. It's a new product in Australia, supplied by Two Tease Architectural Hardware. The bottom mechanism takes superior carpentry skills to install as you can see, there is not much timber left on either side. The pivot door works really well and can hold open at 90 degrees. Professionally installed by The Tidy Tradie - Lockcarpenter in Sydney.Howto & Style
pivot door, pivot, door, carpentry, carpenter, doorhardware, argenta pivotica, lockcarpenter, door installation, sydney, pivot mechanism, door pivot, door closer
The secret bathroom door!

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I hung this secret bathroom door with invisible hinges.invisible hinges, concealed hinges, door hardware, hinges
M&T levers and magnetic privacy lock

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I installed these M&T levers on a magnetic privacy lock. No visible strike plate when closed and no latch tongue sticking out when open.M&T, magnetic lock, agb, privacy lock
Halliday+Baillie cavity slider lock.

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I installed these Halliday Baillie privacy locking flush pull sets in a Manly Beach penthouse.Halliday Baillie, sliding door, cavity slider, pocket door